Supervised Master’s Theses

  1. Gunter Spahn (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 12/2000): Natürlichsprachliche Navigation in virtuellen Welten
  2. Stephan Reiter (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 06/2002): Automatische Emotionserkennung aus der sprachlichen und berührsensitiven Interaktion
  3. Ting-Yap Tong (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 02/2003): Music Retrieval by probabilistic contextual integration of hummed, written, and spoken query
  4. Florian Hörger (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 09/2003): Evaluierung von Merkmalen und Klassifikationsansätzen in der akustischen Emotionserkennung
  5. Juan Wang (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 12/2003): Usability based design of a multimodal Music Information Retrieval interface
  6. Ronald Müller (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 12/2003): Einsatz Bayes’scher Netze zur Interpretation von Benutzeraktionen
  7. Martin Hadersdorfer (external Diplomarbeit with BMW AG, TUM, 04/2004): Entwicklung eines Benutzermodells zur adaptiven Parametrisierung von ACC
  8. Yuping Shi (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 09/2004): Automatische Melodieerkennung in polyphonen Audiodateien
  9. Raquel Jiménez Villar (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 09/2004): Speech Emotion Recognition Combining Acoustic Features and Language Information
  10. Thomas Mikschl (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 07/2006): Funktionalbasierte Zeitreihenanalyse in der audiovisuellen Mustererkennung
  11. Ricardo Minguez (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 07/2007): Feature Space Optimization for Paralinguistic Speech Analysis Tasks
  12. Naijiang Lu (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 09/2007): Speaker and Noise Adaptation in Acoustic Emotion Recognition (Sprecher- und Störgeräuschadaption in akustischer Emotionserkennung)
  13. Florian Dibiasi (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 09/2007): Audiothumbnailing unter Verwendung von Harmonie- und Rhythmusinformation (Audiothumbnailing incorporating Harmony- and Rhythmstructure)
  14. Hermann Anton Karl (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 11/2007): Anwendung von Sprachmodellen in der musikalischen Progressionserkennung (Language Modeling in the Recognition of Musical Chord Progressions)
  15. Jin Yao (Master Thesis, TUM, 02/2008): Speech-based Emotion Recognition in Medical Operations (Sprachbasierte Emotionserkennung in Medizinischen Operationen)
  16. Martin Wöllmer (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 02/2008): Speech Enhancement and Switching Models for Noise Robust Speech Recognition (Speech Enhancement und Switching Models zur störrobusten Spracherkennung)
  17. Florian Eyben (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 02/2008): Detection of Non-Verbals and Disfluencies in Conversational Speech (Erkennung von Nonverbalen Ereignissen und Hesitationen in natürlichsprachlichen Dialogen)
  18. Yuan Ma (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 03/2008): Robust Emotion Recognition from Reverberated Speech
  19. Josef Zwack (Master Thesis, TUM, 04/2008): Semantic and Contextual Analysis for the Recognition of Affect in Spontaneous Speech (Semantische und kontextuelle Analyse für die Erkennung von Affekt in Spontansprache)
  20. Sebastian Kopp (Master Thesis, TUM, 04/2008): Ground Truth Modeling in Automatic Interest Recognition from Speech
  21. Xiaodi Wang (Master Thesis, TUM, 04/2008): Boosted Performance in Acoustic Paralinguistics Recognition by Word Models and Locally Optimized Feature Spaces
  22. Cong Hui (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 05/2008): Multi-Instance Learning for Acoustic Frame-Level Modelling of Interest
  23. Peter Grosche (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 05/2008): Polyphonic Automatic Music Transcription based on Real Audio (Polyphone Automatische Transkription Originaler Musikaufnahmen)
  24. Christoph Scheuermann (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 07/2008): Noise-Robust Automatic Speech Recognition in Medical Operating Room Environments (Störrobuste Spracherkennung im Operationssaal)
  25. Tobias Knaup (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 02/2009): Comparing Linguistic Analysis based on Online Knowledge Sources and Bags-of-N-Grams for Movie Review Valence Estimation
  26. Fabian Heinemann (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 04/2009): Automatic Chord Labelling in Original Recordings with Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Networks
  27. Yang Sun (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 07/2009): A Tandem BLSTM-DBN Architecture for Robust In-Car Spelling Recognition
  28. Haroon Jacob (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 07/2009): Linguistic Sentence Modality Recognition in Conversational Speech
  29. Yunpeng Sun (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 09/2009): Sentence Modality Recognition in Conversational Speech by Combined Acoustic and Linguistic Property Analysis (Erkennung des Satzyps in Gesprächen an Hand akustischer und linguistischer Merkmale)
  30. Felix Weninger (external Diplomarbeit with Informatik 12 TUM 11/2009): Applications of Non-Negative Matrix Factorization in Speech Processing
  31. Benedikt Gollan (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 12/2009): An Audible Demonstrator for Music Information Retrieval Experiencing
  32. Xiaohua Zhang (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 10/2010): Alternative Features for Acoustic Modeling
  33. Christian Landsiedel (external Master Thesis with KTH Stockholm, Sweden 10/2010): Syllabification of Conversational Speech
  34. Erik Marchi (external Master Thesis with Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy, 01/2011): Noise Robust Acoustic Modeling for Conversational Agents
  35. Duc Bui Tran (Diplomarbeit, TUM, 12/2012): Robustness of Interest and Intoxication Recognition in Prototype Systems
  36. Johannes Bergmann (Master Thesis, TUM, 05/2013): Implementation of Recurrent Neural Networks on Multi-Core Architectures
  37. Giacomo Ferroni (Master Thesis with Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy 09/2013): Advanced Music Signal Processing for Onset Detection
  38. Markus Maier (Diplomarbeit with the German Heart Center / Deutsches Herzzentrum, TUM, 08/2013): Kinect integration into a biofeedback system for children under rehabilitation.
  39. Bernd Huber (Master Thesis, TUM): Mobile Audio Sensing
  40. Johanna Böhm (Master Thesis, University of Passau, 09/2014): Automatic Recognition of Perceived Singing Quality
  41. Marius Telespan (Undergraduate Individual Project, Imperial College London, 06/2014): Audio Watermarking based on Empirical Mode Decomposition and Beat Detection
  42. Jonathan Roitgrund (Undergraduate Individual Project, Imperial College London, 06/2014): A combined ASR and VAD approach to long audio alignment in movies
  43. Vincent Thiberville (MSc Individual Project, Imperial College London, 09/2014): Musical Key Detection
  44. Douglas Gray (MSc Individual Project, Imperial College London, 09/2014): Transcription and instrument recognition of multi-instrumental music using NMF
  45. Fabio Versperini(Master Thesis with Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy): In-home Acoustic Event Detection by using LSTM and/or DNN
  46. Florian Groß (Master Thesis, TUM, 07/2014): Driver Intention Prediction from Fleet Data
  47. Nikhil George Jacob (external Master Thesis with Fraunhofer IIS Erlangen/Germany): Optimization of Speech Coding Algorithms at Low Bit Rates
  48. Vasileios Vryniotis (MSc Individual Project, Imperial College London, 09/2014): Sentiment Analysis and the importance of Neutral Class
  49. Prerna Arora (Master Thesis with University of Paderborn, TUM, 02/2015): Multi-cultural Analysis of the Effect of Autism Spectrum Condition on Emotional Speech
  50. Jiayun Ding (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 02/2015): A mobile app for detecting symptoms of depression from facial expressions and voice
  51. Sixuan Yang (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 02/2015): Convolutional Neural Networks for Audio Analysis
  52. Rob Brekelmans (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 05/2015): Classifying Emotion from Brain Activity using Machine Learning Methods
  53. Andrea Michi (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 11/2015): Deep Learning Accents of L2 English Speakers for Corrective Feedback Presentation
  54. Christian Nkinsi (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 11/2015): Convolutional Neural Networks for Audio Analysis
  55. Max Rasmusen (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 11/2015): Convolutional Neural Networks for Audio Analysis
  56. Sinduran Sivarajan (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 11/2015): Automatic animal sound classification and retrieval
  57. Dharmesh Tailor (Individual JMC Project MSc, Imperial College London, 12/2015): Dynamic Active Learning for Emotional Speech Recognition
  58. Noppawee Apichonpongpan (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/2016): Machines Learning with Personality and Emotion
  59. Chris Cheung (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/2016): Voice-to-Instrument Conversion
  60. William McGehee (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/2016): Speaker Diarisation with Deep Neural Networks
  61. Angharad Thomas (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/2016): Understanding music with deep learning
  62. Katsushi Minamizono (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/2016): Development of a novelty detection method for audio data
  63. Romain Sabathé (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/2016): Music analysis using deep learning techniques
  64. Félix Mézičre (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/2016): Analysing and Generating electronic music with machine learning techniques
  65. Yifan Liu (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/0216): Holistic Audio Analysis
  66. Gerhard Hagerer (external Master’s Thesis with audEERING GmbH, TUM, 05/2016): Integrierte Sprachaktivitätserkennung und Sprecherüberlappungserkennung mit GPU beschleunigten Long Short-Term Memory Rekurrenten Neuronalen Netzen
  67. Sebastian Scheffel (Master Thesis, University of Passau, 06/2016): Recurrent and Convolutional Neural Networks for Drone Noise Detection and Elimination
  68. Chan, Chun (JMC Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/0217): Deep Learning for Mobile Health: Depression Monitoring on the Smartphone
  69. Meng, Feiyu (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/0217): Emotion Recognition with Long-term User Adaptation and Machines Learning with Personality and Emotion
  70. Zhang, Jiehao (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/0217): Convolutional Neural Networks for Audio Analysis
  71. Liu, Boqing (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/0216): Speaker Diarisation and Deep Learning for Mobile Health: Depression Monitoring on the Smartphone
  72. Wang, Jianhong (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/0216): Automatic animal sound classification and retrieval
  73. Michael Freitag  (Master Thesis, University of Passau, 09/2017): Learning Meaningful Representations of Audio with Deep Neural Networks
  74. Nithin Thomas (Master Thesis, University of Passau, 09/2017): Enhancing acoustic based human trait recognition using intermediate features
  75. Revathi Sadanand (Master Thesis, University of Passau, 09/2017): Feature set optimisation for multi-linqual emotion recognition
  76. Mashood Tanveer (Master Thesis, University of Passau, 09/2017):  End-to-end Audio-based Laughter Detection
  77. Romeo Döring (Master Thesis, University of Passau, 09/2017): Collecting and Analysing Spoken Language for an Emotionally Intelligent Operating Room
  78. Ali Noureldine (Master Thesis, University of Passau, 09/2017): Multimodal sentiment analysis using neural network
  79. Sahib Jyot Singh Julka (Master Thesis, University of Passau, 09/2017): Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks for Rare Acoustic Event Detection
  80. Piotr Ewiak (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/0218): Active Learning for Natural Language Classification Using Bayesian Neural Networks with Uncertainty Decomposition
  81. Jiaxin Chen (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/0218): Natural Language Processing and Attentional-Based Fusion Strategies for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis
  82. Bingwen Wu (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/0218): Convolutional Neural Networks for Audio Analysis
  83. Douglas Feitosa Tome (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/0218): A Broad and Deep Analysis of Elastic Weight Consolidation in Large Convolutional Neural Networks
  84. Konstantin Hemker (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/0218): Data Augmentation and Deep Learning for Hate Speech Detection
  85. Rodrigo Schonburg Carrillo De Mira (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/0218): Music Composition using Recurrent Neural Networks
  86. Alexander Shiarella (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/0218): Intelligent Audio Analysis for Continuous Rainforest Occupancy Monitoring
  87. Julian Vossen (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/0218): Transcribing handwritten text in images
  88. Damien Lancry (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/0218): Deep RL for simulated autonomous driving / video racing games
  89. Miriam Berschneider (Master Thesis, University of Augsburg, 03/2018): Stress Level Prediction Utilising Deep Multimodal Representation Learning and a Novel Data Acquisition Paradigm
  90. Fabian Falck (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London with University of Oxford, 03/2018): Time Series Modelling of Risk in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
  91. Julia Krützmann (Master Thesis, University of Augsburg, 05/2018): Deep Transfer Learning for Non-Verbal Cue Detection Based on Speech of Autism Spectrum Condition Children
  92. Lukas Rust (Master Thesis, University of Augsburg, 07/2018): Diarization of Children Versus Adult Speech Incorporating Recent Deep Neural Network Architectures
  93. Kevin Bichler (Master Thesis, University of Augsburg, 07/2018): Automatic Feedback for Optimal Fitness Exercises Based on Heart Rate Variability
  94. Elisabeth Wittmann (external Master Thesis with TUM, 05/2018): Transfer Learning for Emotion Recognition on Multimodal Autism Spectrum Disorder Children Data
  95. Matthias Kotowski (Master Thesis, University of Augsburg, 12/2018): Identification and comparison of wearable devices for heart rate sensing
  96. Yanis Guimard (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/2019): Personalized Machine Learning for Robot Perception
  97. Vincent Brisse (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/2019): Trance music generation using Deep Learning
  98. Robert Lewis (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/2019): Active Learning for Video Understanding: Automatic Engagement Estimation from Child-robot Interactions
  99. Anh Nguyen (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/2019):  Natural Language Processing with Convolutional Neural Networks
  100. Nicolas Tobis (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/2019):  Federated Learning for Video Understanding: Automatic Engagement Estimation from Child-robot Interactions
  101. Meiru Zhang (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/2019): Active Learning for Video Understanding: Automatic Engagement Estimation from Child-robot Interactions
  102. Max Elliot (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 03/2019): CNNs for Computer Audition
  103. Thomas Wiest (Master Thesis, University of Augsburg, 03/2019):
    Lesion Detection on CT Images – Convolutional Neural Networks and Dynamic Computation Graphs
  104. Andrew Whitmore (Master Thesis, University of Augsburg, 04/2019): Depressive Speech Analysis Utilising Autoencoders and Convolutional Neural Networks
  105. Aleksander Borecki (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 02/2020): Disentangled Representation Learning and Generative Adversarial Networks for Emotional Voice Cloning
  106. Harry Coppock (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 02/2020): Vector Quantised-Variational Autoencoders (VQ-VAEs) for Representation learning
  107. Korbinian Friedl (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 02/2020): Machine Support for Peer Reviewing Using Review Hallucination in the Presence of Soft Labels
  108. Toby Godwin (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 02/2020): Empirical Analysis of Deep Learning Methods for Class Conditional Generation of Music
  109. Pranay Shah (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 02/2020): Bayesian Deep Reinforcement Learning for Molecular Generation and Optimisation
  110. Niklas Schröter (Master Thesis, University of Augsburg, 05/2020): An Analysis of Bias and Fairness in Affective Computing orientated Machine Learning
  111. Fabio Hellmann (Master Thesis, University of Augsburg, 06/2020): Deformable Faster-RCNN for lesion detection in CT images
  112. Lea Schumann (Master Thesis, University of Augsburg, 06/2020): Deep Learning Annotation Optimisation for Emotion Recognition
  113. Roopa Antony (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 02/2021): Mosquito Species Classification
  114. Yirou Guo (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 02/2021): COVID-19 Pre-diagnosis by Deep Learning-based Audio and Speech Analysis
  115. Zishen Li (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 02/2021): Automatic estimation of heart rate from video and audio signals
  116. Xin Wen (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 02/2021): Automatic animal sound classification and retrieval
  117. Weitong Zhang (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 02/2021): COVID-19 Pre-diagnosis by Deep Learning-based Audio and Speech
  118. Haopeng Luo (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 02/2021): COVID-19 diagnosis based on volumetric chest CT scans
  119. Haoguo Wu (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 02/2021): COVID-19 diagnosis based on volumetric chest CT scans
  120. Anne Wullenweber (ERASMUS+ external Master Student with TUM, Imperial College London, 04/2021 – 11/2021): Advanced Deep Learning Methods for Speech Analysis
  121. Anton Jonah (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 02/2022): Audio Barlow Twins: Self-Supervised Audio Representation Learning
  122. Matthew Barker (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 02/2022): Introducing the Data FIBS Reporter – an open source toolkit for automated Feature Importance, Baseline modelling, and potential Spurious correlation detection
  123. Yu Chen (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 02/2022): Multimodal Emotion Recognition with More Robust Feature Extraction
  124. Liu Hongye (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 02/2022): Emotion Recognition in Speech and further Modalities
  125. Yuzhao Peng (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 02/2022): COVID-19 Pre-diagnosis by Deep Learning-based Audio and Speech Analysis
  126. Hwi Hsien Lew (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 02/2023): Multi-Modal Human Emotion Recognition
  127. Ryan Perkins (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 02/2023): Stable diffusion for Speech Spectrograms
  128. Tianyu Wang (Individual Project MSc, Imperial College London, 02/2023): Automatic animal sound classification
  129. Tomisin J. Ogunnubi (Individual Project MEng, Imperial College London, 11/2024): Speech Emotion Recognition using Foundational Models
  130. Zhang, Yi (Individual Project MEng, Imperial College London, 11/2024): Integrating Memory and Initiative into Large Language Models for Proactive Companion AI


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